Faithful to God

Luke 16:10, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”
I believe we all strive to become people who are capable of taking on bigger responsibilities. We like to feel accomplished and to know that, in the end, we’ve done something worthwhile. But there are so many who try to jump past certain levels and reach a higher spot. People don’t like being in charge of small “unimportant” tasks, when they could have been in charge of bigger, harder, and more important ones. But God tells us clearly that only those who are faithful in little things will be faithful in the big ones too.
If we find it hard to be faithful in something easy, we cannot expect to be faithful in critical situations. If we cannot stay on God’s side on the easy days, we will never be able to be true to Him when times are tough. How will we be loyal to Him?

We like to pick and choose from the missions God gives to us. God calls us to work for Him, but we often find it too difficult and decide that we’ll do something else for God instead. And we think to ourselves, “God will be pleased with this as well.”
But ask yourself this: When God’s Word points you in the direction you must go, do you follow? Or do you decide to go on an easier route? When God’s Word tells you what to do with your life, what your purpose is… do you listen? Or do you choose to interpret the words the way you want to? Do you refuse to do God’s will because it doesn’t align with your personal inclinations or desires?
The whole being has to be under God’s control, under His care, under His supervision. And we must follow what He wants us to do. We must be faithful in whatever He calls us to accomplish.
When Christ meets us in the clouds of glory, do we not want to be among the ones who are called faithful?
Revelation 2:10 says, “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

God is our only hope in this fallen world. And our faithful allegiance to Him is the only thing that we can truly count on.

- Edwart L.


I Know It Was God


Faith and Prayer